Thursday, May 22, 2008

summary of idol

Since Idol was a large part of my life for the past few months, I think a post summarizing my thoughts on the season is in order. The following thoughts are in order of perfection. Get ready, Ace Young fans... my heart has shifted.

Jason Castro. Forget saving the best for last... I am starting right here, baby. I think Jamie will be surprised to read that my heart has shifted from my Ace Young days. Granted, nothing will ever beat his performance of "Father Figure" a couple years ago... fucking impossible. But dear sweet Jason 'I'm just so high I might hug you forever' Castro has fought for this lesbian's heart and won. Each and every week Jason brought an endless supply of smiles to my face and heart... if only he had performed all of the album 'Grace.' It could have been one song after another, week after week. I mean shit... Lilac Wine would have blown me the fuck away. Mmm.... Thank you, Jason 'the pot fried all the ugly out' Castro, for being so sublimely goofy, with such a distinct voice, that I could finally move past my love for Ace.

Carly Smithson.
I pretty much adore Carly. My favorite female singer all season, she is flat out stunning. How the hell she got voted off when she did, I will never understand. Her performance of 'Come Together' was quite possibly the hottest performance ever on Idol... there's really no doubt in my mind. The high, powerful notes her voice would hit neared on chilling... and hot at the same time. Way to go, Ireland, way to go.

David Cook.
He can really fucking sing... more than anyone (along with Carly) has ever been able to on Idol before. As far as the crying is concerned... when Archuleta would cry, I wanted to cause him physical pain. But when David Cook cries... well, it's just beautiful. The power and control of his voice and carefully placed grin made each song into an actual performance. All that and I don't even miss the mohawk...

Amanda Overmyer.
I don't think that Amanda should have won the competition... but leaving before the top 10?! What the hell is that shit?!! Granted, sometimes it was difficult to understand the words she was singing, but I'd rather listen to Amanda mumbling than Kristy Lee Cook singing any day. Not to mention that Amanda is fucking beautiful... Favorite performance? Hate Myself for Loving You. Perfect... and she could dance!

Now that I've written about the four contestants I liked in the season, I'm going to call it quits. Thank you, Idol '08. Now on to So You Think You Can Dance! ...we'll just see if someone can beat the purely beautiful genius of Travis and Donyelle two years ago:

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