A while back, Jamie (my bfffe) and I compiled a list of our favorite things we had said to each other in instant message conversations. I just read through this list again, and felt the need to copy and paste some of my favorites... whether it's because we were funny, or just what we said defined our friendship. Here's some of the best:
jamie: sometimes the truth isn't sexy
maggie: the truth is never sexy
jamie: i thought that would be a fun surprise
maggie: holyshit
maggie: and she works in a muffin factory
maggie: BAHAHAHA dyke
jamie: i believe it's called a bakery
maggie: you just sent me the same link again
jamie: i did not
maggie: i clicked on it twice
maggie: jamie not during idol
jamie: there are so many levels of weird there
maggie: i don't see them.
maggie: i think this guy is singing meatloaf
maggie: .........or toni braxton or something
maggie: ha... who sang that awful 'it's all coming back to me now' song?
jamie: celine dion
maggie: jamie, i need you to promise you will still love me when i tell you what i am about to tell you
jamie: of course i promise
maggie: i think i might watch 'oprah's big give' tonight
maggie: aww we creepily winked at each other
jamie: mmmmhm
maggie: i feel like you and i should NEVER wink at each other
maggie: or anyone else, really
maggie: i think that maybe donny and marie osmond have had sex with eachother
jamie: yeah, i don't see how they haven't
jamie: i think this really is the season when people fall in love, unfortunately for both of us, i just fell in love with you this year
maggie: if you love me, you'll buy me a sofa.
jamie: isn't my love enough?
maggie: i can't sit on your love to watch tv.
maggie: can you overdose on anti-depressants?
jamie: i think you can overdose on anything
maggie: even love?
jamie: especially love
maggie: i do love you, shut up
jamie: you won't after you sleep with me
maggie: aww... you are mixing things up!
maggie: your word list is reeeeeeeeeally lesbionic
maggie: cunt, being, satin, flap, deep
jamie: it's my way of telling you i'm gay
maggie: awwww
maggie: mine: cook, joke, jews, nope, fat, bid
jamie: yours is kind of antisemitic
maggie: is jim batman?!
jamie: i think he's supposed to be a vampire...
jamie: the golden globes were canceled
maggie: aiohbvowuiehvujiewviowerhogibjewrg
jamie: it's just going to be a news conference
jamie: it's for the writers, maggie!
maggie: BUT MY WORLD...............
jamie: i think we need to create a new word for interpretive dance
maggie: like...
jamie: fuckshit.
jamie: i don't know all of the words that you just said
maggie: you mean you didn't understand 'like that bit of necht i could put tham still wearin git' ??
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