Saturday, February 7, 2009


i thought of some more random facts.

if you could put the dunder mifflin office in stars hollow, i would live there forever and never, ever complain. the combination of the jim/pam relationship added with the charm of small town connecticut would fill nearly every void in my life. plus, then my emotional well-being would have to do with real-life, and not just two tv shows, one of which is no longer making new episodes. and jamie could visit me, and i'd introduce her to all my crazy stars hollow friends after i got off work at the office and headed to luke's for dinner. really, though, my real life makes me sad now that i've come up with this utopia. good thing i'm watching gilmore girls.

i hate doing laundry and showering about equally. this results in me often being far dirtier than i'd like to be. really, it's that one or two extra days past the point of no return. those are the days i consider just never showering or doing laundry ever again. and i try to think of everyone i know, and i try to figure out who would still want to hang around me if that were the case. i believe i calculated it at two or three friends.

i worry that my dear kevin jay doesn't realize how serious i am about the sperm.

the coconut/caramel/chocolate girlscout cookies are seriously a huge weakness for me. i could eat boxes in one sitting, and only feel slightly sick. or, really sick - and really happy.

when i started this post, i really thought i'd be able to come up with like 40 random facts. and, that's just not going to happen. and i'm a little disappointed in myself.

i don't completely understand why the vagina monologues mean as much to me as they do. but, they just really, really do.

i have at least one really close friend who i talk to maybe once a month, if i'm lucky. this makes me really sad, but they still know me better than most people.

since i've been writing this, i've been drinking coffee and complaining to myself about how much it hurts my insides... which is a lot.

i complain so much that i forget what i'm complaining about, and then i complain about the fact that i can't remember. it's both a fantastic skill and an amazing burden. i love and hate it.

i miss jason castro.

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