Friday, July 10, 2009

grocery store, ma'am

i bought groceries for work today. the cart was piled so high i could barely see over it. i find great satisfaction in my packing a grocery cart skills. on the way out of the store, it was 3 carts. i'm amazing.

the moral of the story: when you're 25 years old and a 16/17/18 year old guy helping you with your groceries tells you "you have a lot of groceries, ma'am," he laughs when you respond with "no shit, kid." still stings that he called me ma'am, though.


Jamie said...

I get ma'am all the time. Maybe it's new slang meaning young and totally hot.

Contemplative Chaplain said...

Ma'am is code for "Hey baby, hey baby, hey baby."

At least that's my interpretation now that I have crow's feet.